Tuesday, September 17, 2013


I just had to post this.

 Above two were dinner. Mandu (dumplings) and uh... some kind of kalbi soup. Not too bad!

Wine bar!
Too fancy.


 Breakfast again!

 This coffee makes you fucking crazy.

 More kimbap for lunch...

Best fried chicken I've had here. It was nice and tender, with a hint of spice. Plus beer, of course. You can't get one without the other here.


Yeah, I've posted this a lot before. It's still cheap and good.


Kalbi tang (kalbi soup). Pretty good, filling and a good lunch at 4pm.

Chips and salsa (plus other homemade goodies) for dinner.

9/14 Classy Night

Went to "Little Cuba" with a spanish speaking friend. It was a good burger and nice to hear some hispanic music while eating haha.
Apple Tree Bar... my Korean friend's favorite bar and I definitely see why. Cool music, good alcohol, nice rooms to chill in too...


 Kimbap for lunch. Cheap and quick...

More fried chicken and beer (치맥 = 치킨 (chicken) + 맥주 (beer)) for dinner...


 Breakfast (one of the few days I actually eat one) at one of the cafeterias... yeah, pretty plain.

 Lunch at a different cafe.

 This doesn't catch anywhere near the amount of food consumed here. All you can eat place, with lots of meat, most of which you cook youself.

After dinner, this really wasted Korean girl at a bar gave us some snacks she had in return for letting her take pictures with us. It was hilarious.