Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Random assortment of meals from the past couple of days...

Not really interesting enough to warrant their own posts... so here's a sampling of what my meals have been looking like now that I'm starting to get into a routine with classes and stuff.

Above is 떡만두국 (ddeokmanduguk)... dumplings and rice cake soup.

Makkeoli on monday night... can't remember if I've posted a picture of the traditional bowl/spoon it's usually served with.
 해물파전 (haemulpajeon/seafood pancake... not sure of the exact english translation).

Cafeteria food... breakfast and dinner.


  1. I can't even tell which one is breakfast and which one is dinner.

  2. Yeah, for better or worse there doesn't seem to be a huge distinction between breakfast and dinner food. The food on top was breakfast - fish.
