Tuesday, September 17, 2013


I just had to post this.

 Above two were dinner. Mandu (dumplings) and uh... some kind of kalbi soup. Not too bad!

Wine bar!
Too fancy.


 Breakfast again!

 This coffee makes you fucking crazy.

 More kimbap for lunch...

Best fried chicken I've had here. It was nice and tender, with a hint of spice. Plus beer, of course. You can't get one without the other here.


Yeah, I've posted this a lot before. It's still cheap and good.


Kalbi tang (kalbi soup). Pretty good, filling and a good lunch at 4pm.

Chips and salsa (plus other homemade goodies) for dinner.

9/14 Classy Night

Went to "Little Cuba" with a spanish speaking friend. It was a good burger and nice to hear some hispanic music while eating haha.
Apple Tree Bar... my Korean friend's favorite bar and I definitely see why. Cool music, good alcohol, nice rooms to chill in too...


 Kimbap for lunch. Cheap and quick...

More fried chicken and beer (치맥 = 치킨 (chicken) + 맥주 (beer)) for dinner...


 Breakfast (one of the few days I actually eat one) at one of the cafeterias... yeah, pretty plain.

 Lunch at a different cafe.

 This doesn't catch anywhere near the amount of food consumed here. All you can eat place, with lots of meat, most of which you cook youself.

After dinner, this really wasted Korean girl at a bar gave us some snacks she had in return for letting her take pictures with us. It was hilarious.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

9/11 Dinner

A friend of mine really wanted to go out and eat at the oldest restaurant in Korea - so we did! Their speciality is soups... The first picture is what their signature dish looks like before you manually add the desired level of spice, salt and the like. It was definitely pretty tasty! The kimchi was also probably the best I've had here so far, the four of us who were eating devoured like 3 bowls of that shit.

9/10 Dinner

More Ramen from that excellent Japanese place nearby (yum!), plus some sweet street food (호떡). It was warm goodness with a honey/cinammon center.

9/9 Dinner

More bulgogi, egg and rice from that cheap restaurant (딸기골) near my dorm. This will probably be, at the least, a weekly thing.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

9/8 Lunch

 A lot of places closed on Sunday... but this burger place was open, so whatever. Spicy Egg burger (with no top bun!)... not too bad.
I should have bought this. Mistakes were made.

9/7 Dinner

Burrito at a place called Choi's Tacos... right across the street from a Taco Bell, and when you walk in the store there are signs talking shit about the Taco Bell all over the walls. For Mexican food in Korea, not bad. Worth it.

9/7 Afternoon

Making some 송편 (songpyeon) for Chuseok later this month... plus some weird banana/grain smoothie at Ewha's Woman University (이화여자 대학교) which has a fucking amazing campus center... it's all underground and shit, with a movie theater, shopping, and all sorts of stuff.

Cool place.

Melon bingsu!

Good god, this was amazing. Just, yeah. So fucking good. Plus...

It doubled as a wonderful cup for some convenience store drinking later that night! Yum yum.

Saturday, September 7, 2013

9/6 Dinner

Japanese restaurant... I forget what I got was called. Eggs, rice, seafood, pork. Solid.

9/6 Lunch

만두 (mandu/dumplings). Real cheap too, good place for lunch real close by without much of a crowd.

9/5 Late Night Run to McDonald's!

Most satisfying McDonald's ever. I have begun to suddenly crave fast food way more here than I ever have in the States. Bulgogi burger... dat shit good man

9/5? Dinner

운동 (undong/udon/buckwheat noodles)... it was only $2.50, so it was pretty solid.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013


The place we went last night always has a line going out the door... I sure learned why. The flavors we ordered: Green Tea (not a huge fan of, so not my favorite), fruit and milk. The fruit and milk were killer, and it was nice that by providing the beans on the side you could eat them at your own pace.

Random assortment of meals from the past couple of days...

Not really interesting enough to warrant their own posts... so here's a sampling of what my meals have been looking like now that I'm starting to get into a routine with classes and stuff.

Above is 떡만두국 (ddeokmanduguk)... dumplings and rice cake soup.

Makkeoli on monday night... can't remember if I've posted a picture of the traditional bowl/spoon it's usually served with.
 해물파전 (haemulpajeon/seafood pancake... not sure of the exact english translation).

Cafeteria food... breakfast and dinner.

Saturday, August 31, 2013

8/31 Lunch

(Gah! Didn't notice the finger...) This is at a really cheap place nearby my dorm - $4.50 for a really solid meal. Second time I've had this, forgot to take a picture of it earlier. Probably will be going here quite often. Bulgogi with egg and rice.

8/30 - fun filled day wandering around Seoul

 Nothing of note for lunch, but this milk soda stuff is really good. I swear.

A few friends and I (after wandering around and failing to find Seoul National University) met up in Gangnam (강남) for some eats and shopping... for our "first dinner" we went to this really busy waffle/breakfast place and we shared this tower of sweety goodness.

Korea is awesome.

Second dinner at a bar in Sinchon (신천) for some eats and drink to get the night started. Lots of soju, beer, good food and....

Silkworms! We all got the point where we tried one... it was kind of crunchy, with a good spicy flavor. That being said, that moment when you crunch down and you feel the small amount of guts squirt into your mouth... not the most appetizing thing. Not as bad as I expected, but never again.