Saturday, August 31, 2013

8/30 - fun filled day wandering around Seoul

 Nothing of note for lunch, but this milk soda stuff is really good. I swear.

A few friends and I (after wandering around and failing to find Seoul National University) met up in Gangnam (강남) for some eats and shopping... for our "first dinner" we went to this really busy waffle/breakfast place and we shared this tower of sweety goodness.

Korea is awesome.

Second dinner at a bar in Sinchon (신천) for some eats and drink to get the night started. Lots of soju, beer, good food and....

Silkworms! We all got the point where we tried one... it was kind of crunchy, with a good spicy flavor. That being said, that moment when you crunch down and you feel the small amount of guts squirt into your mouth... not the most appetizing thing. Not as bad as I expected, but never again.


  1. Of all the love that is holy... can you like, send me some now?! THAT DESSERT TOWER LOOKS AMAZING. I would not mind eating that for breakfast and then getting sick afterward. Is that a cookie or fudge on the bottom? And is that cookies & cream or black sesame ice cream?

    And Andrew, I'm shocked! Can't believe you tried silkworms. They kind of look like pecans actually. But wow. Wow.

  2. It was some sort of cookie thing... not sure what flavor (overpowered by the ice cream) but thicker than a normal cookie. And yeah the ice cream was cookies & cream, which seems to be pretty popular here (along with oreo).
