Tuesday, August 27, 2013

8/27 oh god sugar rush

 So I met up with tutor (Gina) from Mt. Holyoke before she has to return to the States... we kinda walked around and chilled in Samcheong-dong, a neighborhood with a lot of old school Korean houses. Having not tried 빙수 (bingsu) yet, we went to a little cafe to try it out... turns out it was just a gateway to an afternoon of piling on sweet after sweet.

 Bingsu, some sort of nut pie thing, and rice cake with chocolate filling. It was all really good! Also, a shot of the front of the cafe...

 Stopped by a bakery that featured on a TV show Gina had seen before. Got some chocolate croissants... pretty good. The last time I had one was probably in Paris 7 or 8 years ago, so yeah.

 This is... uh... goddamnit. Another case of me forgetting what something is called (I need to be more cognizant and write this stuff down). It's Belgian waffle in the shape of a fish, filled with anything from red bean, blackberry, cream cheese or sweet potato. We got sweet potato... not a big fan of that back in the states, but here in Korea it's really sweet and I thought it wasn't too bad! I want to try the blueberry or cream cheese though - it was quite tasty.

The big finale... a whole Belgian waffle covered with chocolate ice cream, whipped cream, banana and what not. It took us like 3 seconds to decide on this from the many choices... and man, was it good. It hit the spot after walking around in the heat for a couple of hours. I really love this Koreans have with Belgian waffles. Dessert waffles like this are EVERYWHERE. And it's AMAZING.

Needless to say, no real dinner for me tonight.

1 comment:

  1. EATING EVERYTHING THROUGH THE SCREEN. I'm so jealous of your dessert waffles! Love ice cream and waffles, LOVE.

    I know that the fish-shaped waffle is called "taiyaki" in Japanese.
