Saturday, August 31, 2013

Countryside! Day 3

This was breakfast at the resort we stayed at... a spicy fish soup reknown for curing hangovers. I hate to say it, but it was definitely a welcome meal.

Lunch in a restaurant near the national park we were walking. With a Korean pancake!

Back in the city at night... made a trip to Mr. Pizza! It was kind of expensive, but really solid for Korean pizza (most of the cheese here is terrible... the stuff on the pizza was actually alright). Also of note - Mr. Pizza's slogan is "Love for Women." My friend said that apparently eating here with a woman (or as a woman) may earn you a discount or something. Really weird stuff, the native Korean I asked about it the day after had no idea if that was true or if Mr. Pizza is just a really creepy dude.

1 comment:

  1. YUM. PIZZA. I LOVE PIZZA. Dying for some right now.

    That looks kind of like Domino's!
